Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Black Wednesday

Happy V-D everyone! I hope your day was eventful or, at the very least, not disappointing. I slept in this a.m., as I've come down with something I can only describe as Deadwooditis. I think my bronchitis is making a comeback and I'm exhausted. Anyway, managed to drag myself into the office for a few hours, sue someone, buy groceries, buy cigarettes, and tan for my upcoming trip to hell.

The rest of the evening was spent shampooing my carpets. That's right, folks. I spent Valentine's Day in my pajamas and flip-flops shampooing my living room and hallway. HLC was kind enough to lend me the steam vac to clean up Huxley's messes at Bamboo's house, so I then decided I'd get a head start on getting my security deposit back. It's fabulous, except it doesn't remove stains left by a dumped over ashtray. Hmmmm.

I've topped off the evening by throwing my suits into the dryer ala Dryell. After that, it's off to bed with a three-legged cat and a balls-licking dog. His "zipper" seems to be healing fine after the neutering, despite his frequent licking. I put him in the elizabethan cone for about a day and he was so pathetic i took it off.

Night all. If anything exciting happened for you on V-D, let me know.

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