Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Proud Momma

An apartment belonging to the son of my parents' neighbor caught fire last night. Luckily, "Mike" escaped by jumping from the 2nd story window, dressed only in pajamas and socks, into the snow and freezing cold night. He survived with only a cut on his ankle, and everyone else in the building made it out safely.

My 20 year old brother (my baby and the baby of the family), "Redbeard," was hanging out with Mike's roommate when they heard the place was ablaze. They rushed over to the scene and Redbeard gave Mike an extra pair of shoes he had in his car, a hat, and, get this, the coat off his back. The temperature was probably barely above zero. He then picked Mike up from the Emergency Room and now he and the roommate are going to live with Redbeard and his roommates until they can get everything straightened out. I've never even known my brother to talk to this guy or hang out with him, especially when they're 250 miles away from home at a big university.

The best part about this story (in addition to the fact that no one was seriously injured): my family probably wouldn't have found out about this if Mike's mom hadn't called my dad this morning. She thanked my dad for raising such a wonderful son. How cute is that??? It's nice to know you haven't raised a sociopath, I guess.

By the way, my dad's first thought when she said that was, "what the hell did he do now? [anger]"


Anonymous said...

Redbeard is a good kid, you all just don't know it becuase he keeps his mouth shut. Imagine being the 5th kid.

Sour Girl said...

I don't know, all that rock music and those picture shows makes me wonder. But, I'd rather be the 5th kid than the de facto first one.