Thursday, December 14, 2006

Cookies, Part Deux

So, I had some more cookies the other night. Same kind, the sugar cooking with the frosting. I had more than "some," too. I had seven. Then I had the remaining three this morning. I couldn't help it. Ironically, I had shrimp, too. Yup, no denying myself anything. I have to say that, after I put the cookies in my cart, I felt a lifting of anxiety. I've been really stressed out over the last few days, but I'm finally a little more relaxed.

I weighed in today. Down .2 lbs since Monday. At least I didn't gain anything.

Oh, and to respond to NewMomDawn's comment regarding my Virtual Me 3.0 model. She does look eerily like me, down to the skirt and mary janes. I thought that, myself. Scary.


Anonymous said...

I read that coockies have no sugar or calories or fat during the holiday season. So you're fine.

Anonymous said...

That was meant to say "cookies" not "cockies" althought that is also allowed during the holiday season without repercussion.