Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Gin & Juice

OK, so it was more like Gin & Tonic, instead of Gin & Juice. Not my drink of choice, but I avoided the calories of "mixers" and beer. The LAW requires that I have no more than three drinks per week (and not at the same time). However, I failed to comply and I'm sure the food police will have me arrested for multiple violations that occured this weekend.

My dad's company Christmas party was held in B-Town on Saturday night. Open bar. Topshelf liquor. Those two things led to the inevitable conclusion that I would not make it through the night without falling down at least once. It's entirely possible that I had 10-15 bombay tonics and at least 3 shots. The evening ended with me securing at least one vote for O.C. Sherrif (Not that O.C., my own O.C.) from one of my dad's employees. However, he's the same guy that kareoke'd "Take This Job & Shove It" about 9-10 years ago. At the company party. With my dad, the CEO, in the room. Nice.

Reflecting upon the evening, I realized I have not had that many drinks in one evening since my Ranch heydeys, circa 2003. A normal evening then was about 10 beers in three hours (it was dollar night, what can I say?). However, unlike my Ranch heydeys, I did not wake up next to a stranger or, in the alternative, ride home with a very drunk Summer Ayers behind the wheel. My sober mommy gave me a ride to my sister's house where I curled up (passed out) in the spare bedroom.

I worked off some of the gin on Sunday. My dad and I have an annual event where we sprint around the mall for a few hours the week before Christmas to get my mom's gifts. Four hours and countless snaps at one another later, we were done. Neither of us enjoyed ourselves, or the company of one another. That's also part of our tradition.

Monday & Tuesday were spent reviewing a file for work in B-Town. And I never want to get shot in the face.

I think I'm officially off the diet, since I've been "down South" since Saturday. Oh, well, it's Hannakuh.

Oh, gotta go, my pizza's here. :)

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