Monday, November 27, 2006

Mmmm, Pie.

So, I had a bit of a problem over the weekend with the new diet. I had a pie in my fridge from last week. I had 1/2 a slice on Friday & one bite yesterday before I threw it in the trash. Not a horrible lapse, but I'm sure it won't be the last.

I ate everything on my required dining list today, and nothing more, with the exception of the vegetables. I just didn't want them. I'm not hungry, either, and I'm happily sipping my second diet coke of the day. I'm only allowed two.

It's midnight and I have Court in 9 hours. I know I shouldn't be hitting the "juice," so to speak, but I'm an addict for the rock that is my diet coke. Crack has to be a secret ingredient. There's no other logical explanation.

I'm going to finish my diet coke while playing fetch with Esme, my dog trapped inside a fat, gray, smelly cat's body. Then, off to bed.

Good night, all.


Tanya said...

Just stopping by to say a quick hello.

Mike has another interview with a company in Bismarck (3rd one with this company) on Thursday. Keep your fingers crossed!!

Focal Deviant said...

Did somebody say smelly cat?

Sour Girl said...

That's awesome! Let me know when you'll be home next, we'll have some beers. Ok, I've been relegated to water, but I could be the DD for you and Mike.