Saturday, March 3, 2007

Less screwed...(or more, maybe)

I have, at the insistence of my mother, packed my small "carry-on" suitcase, in addition to my big one. That's a good plan because I really need to keep track of more shit. I've started packing. I have 2 full suitcases and two loads of laundry that aren't done yet. Hmmmm.

I've also packed 10 pairs of shoes. Yes, 10. It's been a long time since my favorite type of shoe has been worn (open toe kitten heels) and all of them are coming with me. I also realized that, for the amount of purses that I've bought over the last 5 years, most of them suck. Well, truth be told, I can't remember where I packed most of them. But the accessible ones are ugly. And I'm most disturbed by the absences of my small black banana republic clutch. I found the coral one. Which is great because it matches so many things...I'm also trying to figure out what I want to wear on the plane. Pants? Skirt? I really want to wear pajamas but that won't go over well at all. Plus I'll look awesome at the Magic City airport wearing a skirt and no coat (no room to pack the columbia).

Now I'm tryin to track down all the small shit I need to remember. camera, iPod stuff, phone charger, etc. I hate myself right now.

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