Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hey now! Hey now! [F]iko [F]iko Un-day

When was the last time your sister had a frank discussion with you about your FICO score? My sister confronted me with mine tonight, asking me if I knew what it was. I told her I did, indeed. I even know what each letter of FICO represents. She then nearly shouted into the phone, "Do you know you would NEVER get approved for a home loan with that?!?" I told her I did, in fact, know that. Again, I might be dumb, but I'm still a lawyer.

I know she has four weeks of grad school (spread out over two years) under her belt, but I'm slowly catching on to this world. She'll earn her degree from banking school, otherwise known to her and the rest of my family as grad school, after her third and final two-week installment this summer. That's six whole weeks of grad school. I do hope the entire family can attend her graduation. It'll be just like my graduation, except it'll be with the family. OK, my parents did attend briefly, promptly jetting off immediately after each ceremony to Washington, D.C.

When she "graduates", she will, once and for all, be as educated as me. Actually, I'm sure she somehow is already more educated than me. I don't know how it would be quantified, but it must be true. I've only had 96 weeks of grad school. Actually, I've had about 106 weeks of grad school, if you count summer school. Admittedly, I needed a calculator to figure that out. Which is why she's smarter than me.

This is the bottom line: I'd like to set her flag on fire.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Ok - I really want to punch her! I would be so pissed if my relative were poking around in my financial business.

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