Monday, December 31, 2007

And a Happy New Year....

Yup, it's like last year. I'm in sick and in my pajamas. I'm home this time, though, not in Glenburn playing Scattergories. It's OK. I just had a ridiculously expensive meal that made me ill. Totally wasn't worth it, either. So, I'm blogging in the new year. Woo hoo. Hope all of you are alive and well and reading this well into tomorrow, if not later (because, if you were to read this right now, you'd be just as lame as me). Tschuss!


Tanya said...

Hope you feel better soon! Where did you eat??

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! Hope you're feeling better.

P.S. You better approve my posting even though most are pretty lame. :)

Sour Girl said...

I ate at the Pirogue Grill. It was good, don't get me wrong. Just a little too rich for me and my touchy tummy. I did have creme brulee for desert, so that's probably what did me and my lactose intolerance in in the end.