Sunday, July 8, 2007


So, I have another date next week with another guy. Here's the hang up, though. When discussing my "Lloyd Christmas" haircut over the phone, he said, "Well, Jeepers, it's still sexy though, right?"

Um, "jeepers?" Who says that? And who uses that in a sentence with the word "sexy?" He uses it other times, too, so it wasn't an isolated incident. I'm not sure I can date a guy who uses the word "jeepers." Am I wrong, here?


Anonymous said...

Well jeepers, Carey... I say meet him at least. What's the worst that could happen? You don't like him and you never have to see him again. I almost didn't see Jesse again after our first drunken meeting because on the phone he sounded too much like the people in "Fargo". Sure glad I didn't make that mistake! -M.O.M.

Anonymous said...

The worst thing that could happen... Hmmm, let me think. Oh, I know! I could get my head chopped off. Remember the "chop your head off scary" thing from college?

Anonymous said...

Yeah I remember, but I know your not dumb enough to go anywhere alone with this guy. I know you'll meet somewhere and leave from there alone and you'll make sure you're not being followed and will lock you doors and windows when you get home. That should cover it. -M.O.M.