Sunday, July 1, 2007

HLC's Carpet: An Elegy

Oh, how I mourn thee, Orange Shag Carpet of the spare bedroom.

Your time on this earth, too long to be fashionable, has come to an abrupt end.

Your demise has been bittersweet for HLC, although only bitter for me.

Huxley hath destroyed you, ripped out your heart at the threshold of the room.

Huxley doth suffer, too, albeit not near as terrible as you.

For I look upon his scarlet face and his tender paws, and, alas, he too mourns.

He mourns as I mourn, for my face also scarlet upon the hearing the news.

And my paws, too, will be tender, as I remove thee from the scene of tragedy and give rise to a floor anew.

While pergo shall replace thee, I shall never forget thee.

For HLC shall never allow me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.