Monday, December 4, 2006

Babble from an aBabylonian Bastion

And down a pound (again.) Lois wasn't there and, even though I had to wait an hour to get weighed, and listen to mindless babble amongst the other ladies in (the) waiting (room), I was much less irritated with the entire process. There also was no chicken dance played when I'd weighed, which was greatly appreciated.

A word on the mindless babble, as an example of the oil(me)/water(them) mix here in the Magic City: After about thirty minutes of trading stories about their husbands (the women ranged in ages from early twenties to late forties), the four ladies were all talking about the clothes they couldn't wait to pull out of their closets to wear, once they'd lost the requisite amount of weight. When it came to my turn, I said, "I have this great silk Calvin Klein cocktail dress that's been hanging in my closet for more than two years. I can't wait to wear it."

Response: Dead silence. [crickets chirping] After an eternity and some blank stares, one said, "well, there's no where to wear that around here. I can't remember the last time I wore a dress or a skirt."

Hey, someone give me a call when Armageddon nears. I'm guessing I won't have many clues that civilization has collapsed, as it's already been wiped out here. With any luck, they'll just disappear in the Rapture and the Buffalo can take over again.


Tanya said...

You crack me up! I'm sure you'll find a place to where the dress - maybe I'll have a fancy-assed Christmas party next year :)

Sour Girl said...

Well, if you're moving where I think you're moving, slim pickins' round those parts, too. :) i just hate that they act like I'm a pariah set to take over their society. Actually, it would be much preferred if they'd just leave me alone. that's what i miss about the city. the fact that people mind their own business and don't randomly talk to (and passive-aggressively) insult you. MYOB. Uhhhh. I feel better now. Any luck?

Tanya said...

Mike flies out on Tuesday next week and will have his interview on Wednesday. Hopefully they will offer him the job while he's there instead of dragging it out more (he's been interviewing with them for almost a month now).